Graduated PhD
Chia Hung Kao joined DBSE at 2002. Under the supervision of Dr. Jiau, he performed several researches in empirical software engineering, software quality evaluation...
Jinghong Cox Chen is broadly interested in software reuse, and software evolution. He is especially interested in design patterns, refactoring, and test-driven development.
Feng-Pu Yang is interested in software measurement, software evolution, software maintenance, and context-aware computing. His recent research direction is domain-specific web search.
Lee-Wei Mar is interested in software refactoring, software bad smell detection, software component model, and design pattern. His recent research direction is refactoring co-evolution.
Dung-Feng Yu is interested in software traceability, design patterns and object-oriented technology. His recent research direction is software traceability.
Wei-Chung Hu is interested in requirements engineering, open source model, and context-aware technology. His recent research directions are open source project modeling, requirement verification and validation.
Ye-Chi Wu is interested in software engineering, object technologies, design pattern, and software maintenance. His recent research direction is software change with design pattern.
Kuo-Chen Wu is interested in software process model, information system for software development, software architecture of information management, and software reuse in open source community. His recent research direction is information management for development with reuse.
Chien-Wei Hu is interested in requirement engineering, object-oriented technology, and design patterns. Her recent research direction is use case visualization.
Wei-Ning Hung is interested in software engineering. Her recent research direction is UML tools evaluation.
Yen-Jie Chen is interested in database, information retrieval and psychology. His recent research direction is music information retrieval.
Xing-Gu Chen is interested in agile software development, refactoring, software development regulation
Cheng-Yuan Wu is interested in program comprehension and teaching, OOP, OSS, Software development process, Software automation