Wei-Chung Hu 胡維中
- Email: selain AT nature DOT ee DOT ncku DOT edu DOT tw
- Blog: http://selainsoft.blogspot.com
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/weichunghu
Wei-Chung Hu received B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Cheng Kung University, 2004. He received M.S. degree and Ph.D. in Software Engineering from National Cheng Kung University in 2006 and 2016 respectively. His research interests include context-awareness computing, programming and interactive education, software requirement engineering, collaborative and intelligent workspace, crowd-based software process and open source software engineering. He is an expert in software engineering, and favorites simple, practical management strategies. Always being a dedicated and motivated software creator, and good at communication and collaboration with other engineers. After years of training in academic domain, he is now seeking opportunity joining small and promising startups which value alternative thinking on various visionary solutions.

Associated Lab. Projects
- SE4PP / SIMPLE: Simulated Environment for Proramming Learning
- Author Net: Paper Authors Relationship Visualization
- PyReverse: Python Reverse Engineering Tool
- CRISES: Component Repository support Evaluation and Keyword based Search
- SIMPLE Touch: Sketch Alive System for Kids
- WebHat: Web-based Homework Assistant Tool
- App Constellation: Analyzing, Organizing, Producing Modile Apps
- Ph.D. in Computer and Communication Institute, National Cheng Kung University, Fall 2016, majoring in software engineering
- M.S. in Computer and Communication Institute, National Cheng Kung University, Fall 2006, majoring in software engineering
- B.S. in Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Fall 2004
Research Interests
- Scenario and Requirement Modeling
- Open Source Software Engineering
- Context-Aware Technology and Appliactions
- Reactive Paradigm and Project Automation
- Computer-Aided Children Education
Associated Funded Research Projects
National Science Council (NSC) Projects
- A Unified Testing and Development Software Architecture for Facilitating Software Reuse (2003-2004)
- An Evaluation Framework for Open Source Software (2005-2007)
- A Software Reuse Process Aiding Open-Source-based Software Reuse through Software Refactoring (2005-2007)
- Universal Context Aware Service Presentation (2005)
- H. C. Jiau, W.-C. Hu, L. W. Mar, C.-W. Hu, "一種資料庫系統 DATABASE SYSTEM," Taiwan ROC Invention Patent 中華民國發明專利, No. I416356
- H. C. Jiau, W.-C. Hu, L. W. Mar, C.-W. Hu, "一種影像處理裝置 IMAGE PROCESSING DEVICE," Taiwan ROC Invention Patent 中華民國發明專利, 專利號 No. I423149
- H. C. Jiau, W.-C. Hu, L. W. Mar, C.-W. Hu, "塗鴉生命化方法及使用該方法之系統 SKETCH ALIVE METHOD AND SYSTEM USING THE METHOD," Taiwan ROC Invention Patent 中華民國發明專利, 專利號 No. I448999
Thesis / Dissertation
- Wei-Chung Hu, "An Adaptive Context Infrastructure in Supporting Context-Aware Services," Master's Thesis, Computer and Communication Institute, National Cheng Kung University, 2006 (Advisor: Prof. H.C. Jiau)
- Wei-Chung Hu, "Reactive Validation on Collaborative Development Resources," Doctoral Dissertation, Computer and Communication Institute, National Cheng Kung University, 2016 (Advisor: Prof. H.C. Jiau)
- F. P. Yang, F. C. Hwang, W. Z. Hu, Y. S. Lai, H. C. Jiau, P. C. Chung, “A Reusable Software Architecture for Context-Aware Applications,” National Computer Symposium, Dec. 2005.
- W.-C. Hu, M. L. Lee, T. S. Tsai, and H. C. Jiau, "A GUI Simulation Model in Supporting Embedded Software Design," National Computer Symposium, Dec. 2007.
- W.-C. Hu and H. C. Jiau, "Class Diagram Layout by Design Pattern Examples," The 20th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, Nov. 2009
- W.-C. Hu, C. H. Kao, K. C. Wu, and H. C. Jiau, "A Middleware for Open Source Community Communication," Proceedings of the 1st Annual Cross-Strait Conference on Software Technology, pp.250-257, Mar. 2010
- W.-C. Hu, C.
H. Kao, F.-P. Yang, H. C. Jiau, and K. F. Ssu, "VESTA: A View-based
Software Quality Assessment Model for Software Evolution Management,"
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering, pp.345-348, July 2010
- W.-C. Hu,
D.-F. Yu, and H. C. Jiau, "An FAQ Finding Process in Open Source
Project Forums," Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering
Advances, pp.259-264, Aug. 2010
- W.-N. Hung, W.-C. Hu, and H. C. Jiau,
"CAS: A Metrics Based Assistant Tool for Code Commenting,"
2011 Joint Conference on Taiwan Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, pp. 358-363, July 2011.
- W.-C. Hu and H. C. Jiau,
"A Visualization-based Middleware Architecture in Supporting UML Design Tool Interoperation,"
2011 Joint Conference on Taiwan Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, pp. 472-477, July 2011.
- W.-C. Hu, and H. C. Jiau, “UCFrame: A Use Case Framework for Crowd-Centric Requirement Acquisition,”
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 1-13, Mar. 2016.
- W.-C. Hu, T.-T. Wei, C.-F. Yan, and H. C. Jiau,
"Reactive Programming Collaborative Agents for Self-Managing Software Teams," International Computer Symposium, Dec. 2016.
Work Experience
- 2014-2016 : Research Assistant and Laboratory Coordinator
- Being research assistant to shepherd young leaders and their projects. Providing specific suggestions on resource estimation and project exection to help young leaders making thoughtful decisions. Coordinating human resource arrangement to ensure each project optimized and each Master student in lab. being occupied.
- Summerizing correlated projects, progress delay and cause analysis to PI.
- Organizing poster competition in DBSE Lab. The poster competition encourages laboratory memebers to propose ideas and build POC to inspire the DBSE group. There are two poster competition ever been held.
- 2015 : Teacher Assistant of System Analysis and Design Course
- Being TA to lead 13 students analyzing 4 distinct online services: EzTable, OrangeGame, Tainan E-Bus, and GitHub. The students are also requested to propose improvement plans of these services. The analysis includes market study, business model recovery, service inspection, architecture recovery, and maintenance plan. And students can therefore systematically construct improvement plans based on these analytical results.
- 2014 : Teacher Assistant of Advanced SE Course and App Constellation Project
- Being TA to lead 36 students studying and performing mobile software enginering practices. This is semester project of advanced SE course.
- The project aims to gather, analyze, and organize various mobile App information in the user perspective. The analytic results are used to allocate Apps in users' life scenarios. Further, we can help users to explore more needed Apps by discovering missing App pieces in life scenarios.
- In the end of semester, all 36 students finished their analysis and design of their own Apps. Among them, 30 students sucessfully build Apps for demonstration, and 5 of them even put Apps on Google market for public download.
- 2013-2014 : Social Military Service of Education
- Taking social military service at Tainan NanSing Elementary School. Being responsible for all general school issues, also including information and technology support, child education assistant, and elder education assistant.
- Maintaining school websites and established internal resouce exchange platform for teachers and students, which greatly improved efficiency of teachers in preparing teaching materials.
- 2010 : SIMPLE Touch
- Wei-Chung Hu led team SIMPLE Touch from DBSE Lab to develope a Sketch-based Multi-Touch Chiuldren Learning System and join the AIO competition. The AIO competition is held by the ITRI. SIMPLE Touch ended up with winning the third place in the competition.
- 2009 : First DBSE Hack Day
- In January, Wei-Chung Hu organized the first DBSE Hack Day for the lab. memebers. The hack day is freely join for the lab. members to create interesting, useful idea and tools for the DBSE laboratory.
- 2007 ~ 2008 : Project Guardian
- Project Guardian is the major project which Wei-Chung Hu was working on in this year. Through this project, Wei-Chung Hu expects to build an advanced project management environment beyond simple combination of exisitng version control and issue tracking systems.
- 2007 ~ 2008 : Communications of the DBSE, vol.2
- Wei-Chung Hu was assigned as associated editor of Communications of the DBSE, vol.2. The Communications of the DBSE is the most important internal research publication of DBSE laboratory.
- 2006 ~ 2011 : Maintainer of NCKU EE website, Classroom Resource Management System
- Since 2006, Wei-Chung Hu is responsible for the maintenance and content update of NCKU EE website. The website is constructed based on Joomla content managgement system and MySQL database, with other PHP packages support.
- Since 2009, Wei-Chung Hu also maintains the Classroom Resource Management System for NCKU EE. The system is built based on MRBS open source software.
- 2006 ~ 2007 : SIMulated Programming Learning Environment (SIMPLE)
- Wei-Chung Hu co-leads SIMPLE project in this year to build an strategy game based programming learning environment for undergraduate EE students. SIMPLE is built using Python and other open source packages.
- 2005 ~ 2006 : Teacher Assistant
- Also in this year, Wei-Chung Hu is responsible of teaching Java and C programming for the undergraduate EE students. During the teaching, Wei-Chung Hu tries to leave interesting assignments, such as to build a simulated simple scosystem, to the student other than conventional assignments.
- 2005 ~ 2006 : Smart Home and Context-Aware Systems
- In this year, Wei-Chung Hu received an opportunity to join a context-aware smart home project which is already running for a year. His major responsibility is to analyze the built use cases, design the software architecture of a context-aware infrastructure, and made the implementation with ontology and Java technology.
- The experience was later used to build a context-aware traffic system which can serve as a automatic city traffic condition and accident reporting system.
- 2004 ~ 2005 : Measurement of Open Source Projects (MOSP)
- In this year, Wei-Chung Hu was involved in MOSP project and was responsible to build tools using Python for collecting and analyzing open source project data from SourceForge.net
- 2001 ~ 2008 : Administrator of NCKU EE Bulletin Board System (BBS)
- BBS in Taiwan is a popular telnet-based online forum system which equips elegant, fast, easy-to-read advantages than web-based forum system. NCKU EE BBS was set up in 1995 to serve NCKU EE students sharing their lives and problems in study. Wei-Chung Hu is voluntary for the administration of NCKU EE BBS since 2001 to 2008.